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— Health Professional, Australia


Thankful Souls

Initially, I was introduced to Carla through her hypnotherapy practice.  I sought to support my teenage daughter who at the time was having difficulty at school, had become difficult to communicate with and I felt I was unable to support whatever she was trying to navigate.


I happened to note the Soul Alignment service Carla offered and decided to give it a try.  It was incredibly insightful, I was astounded at many of the things presented to me from the reading and had a greater understanding of my daughter and her temperament and silent concerns. 


The reading opened up so many avenues for me and what had been challenging dissolved into a clear and happy path of communication allowing me to support my daughter in ways that would have been impossible without the Akashic information.  

— Mother of Teen, Hong Kong

My interactions with Carla were multifaceted exploring in-depth and reaching across many areas of her clinical and professional practice – hypnotherapy, midwifery and paediatric knowledge. This alone, her extensive skill base, compassion and commitment to supporting her client's needs is enough to share my recommendation, though her ability to help you feel safe, understood and truly heard are further qualities that so simply radiate from Carla and her client centred approach, I cannot speak more highly.


As a health practitioner also, I was impressed by Carla’s use of and reference to evidence-based guidelines, best practice and research, as well as her consideration for holistic care, not to mention her intuitive guidance and direction.


Carla’s gentle nature and calming presence helped me to feel at ease and in an environment of trust, allowed me to share my inner quarrels with bulimia, an extensive history of being bullied and the near loss of our baby boy. Carla, respecting my fear and vulnerability, absorbed my turmoil and trauma without judgment and I felt confident then to focus on resolution and healing.


Hypnotherapy with Carla helped me work on breaking down and clearing blockages and anchors that continued to reinforce negative and unhelpful actions.


Carla radiates a beautiful energy.

— Health Professional, Australia

After having a couple of friends have readings with Carla, I decided to see what it was about.  I had noted one friend, in particular, make quite big shifts in many areas of her life so decided it was worth investigating. 


To say I was blown away is an understatement.  So much information and so relatable to every aspect of how I was living.  The clearing work, in particular, was easy, yet powerful.  The reading has allowed me to create so many wonderful and positive opportunities. 


I am glad I was curious and had a reading.

— Marketing Manager, New York

Carla thank you so much for my soul realignment and mind-body re-set.  I honestly thought it would be an hour session and that would be it, but you took so much time to ensure we worked through everything that needed to be worked through, I was really, really impressed with that.


In the weeks that have passed since our time together, I’ve noticed a huge shift in how I respond and react to things emotionally.  I’m able to communicate and connect with my husband on a much deeper and more intimate level than before.


I’ve felt so much more clarity about how I want to move forwards in my career into a soul-led and mission-based business. I am able to articulate and put into words how I think and feel about the subjects I care about, which is something I have longed to be able to do for some time but had huge blocks around this. So grateful to have found you and thank you so much!

— Anonymous

Carla is clear and insightful with her readings, she is truly gifted and shares so much in her readings.  I have gained much comfort and clarity from Carla.  I operate several businesses and find Carla’s sessions so helpful and supportive.

— Businessman, Shanghai & Hong Kong

Thank you Carla for connecting me to my Mum who passed away in November 2017. I went through so much with my family whilst my mother was dying and even after she passed.


Being able to connect to Mum and having her tell me all that we did for her was everything she wanted was just so surreal and cleansing. Your description of Mum regarding who she was, what she loved and her past was hauntingly accurate. Discussing matters that occurred whilst my Mum was slowly passing away that only my immediate family knew about was truly amazing and accurate.


Carla, you were able to give me so much clarity, inner peace and happiness and I just can't thank you enough. It was just wonderful to be able to connect to my Mum through you. I can’t wait for your return to Australia so we can catch up again for some more soul searching.

— Anonymous, Australia

I had a reading done with Carla over the phone. She spoke clearly and made sure I understood everything before continuing. I am so grateful for my experience!


It has allowed me to get to know myself better and given me an opportunity to work through and release deep-rooted issues. Carla has a way of bringing things to the surface that are buried, but you always knew they were there because they affect every part of your human experience.


I have recognised my passions and potential. I am very pleased to say that I am still benefiting from my experience and learning new ways in which I can express my soul's divinity. Her reassurance and insight have led me onto a much greater path in life that extends beyond the information I received. I highly recommend her brilliant work!

— Anonymous

I have known Carla for over thirty years but had not seen her for many, many years. I contacted Carla as I wanted to reconnect with her.


At the time of contacting Carla, I was dealing with a number of personal issues that were distressing me. I disclosed these to Carla, and she gave me a pathway to move forward in my life and to accept my past as just that; the past.


The empathy, sincerity and honesty she displayed gave me the footprint to a better, more gentle life. I cannot ever repay her for what she gave back to me. This woman is a wonder to be loved, trusted and respected.

— Marie, Australia

Carla worked wonders on clearing our new company office space. 


Not only did the energy lift, but we have also had an effortless transition to the new space, which now feels welcoming and abundant.

— Business Executive, United Kingdom

After having my Soul Realignment two years ago I came to Carla for a Soul Situation Reading. 


I wasn’t disappointed, the reading was just as insightful and supportive in allowing clarity and peace of mind.  Carla also Kinetic Shifted some of my embodied belief systems which was a very strange feeling but an experience that gave me immediate clarity and balance.

— Anonymous

Carla has spent a week in Sydney on holiday and a huge part of her holiday has involved visiting my business and tapping into the energies and providing me with strategies to best use these energies to promote my business.


It has been so positive and the feeling at work is now calm and order, and I feel ready to expand and embrace the change. As well as doing my soul realignment she has done soul realignments with my husband and children. It has been a very cathartic and eye-opening experience.


I feel more in control and able to understand how and why different members of my family react the way they do. I feel so relaxed but able to feel and think on a different level. I am blown away at the changes that Carla has made to my life and soul.


I feel free to move forward especially knowing that my children have been cleared of all past negative karma.

— Sonya, Australia

My mind is so calm and my anger is gone, I am no longer wallowing in the mud of dark thoughts and self-pity anymore. 

— Anonymous

Carla is one of the most intuitive people I have ever met. So professional, so switched on. 


Thank you Carla for helping me!

— Mitch, Australia

I sought Carla’s help to move a property that I had been trying to rent out for several months. 


Carla looked at the Akashic story of the home, removed and cleared the blocks and energy attached to the home, reinstated clear intention and energy and within one week of her clearing the home, I had three potential renters and chose whom I felt would be my best tenant – incredible!

— Anonymous, Australia

Carla was given permission by my soul to find out if any of my previous lives were influencing this current one. The result was astonishing. It came out that I had made vows in previous lives that had stopped me from reaching my full potential in this life.


Looking back I always knew that in certain areas of my life something was blocking me from moving forward and Carla touched on every one of those areas during the reading. If it was possible to apply my reading to others in general, I would not have been convinced but it was so specific that the sceptic in me was silenced. In fact, I regret not having known that she had told me at an earlier stage of my life, which would have made many things a lot less complicated. Carla also gave specific and accurate readings for both my daughters and my husband, which only an expert would be able to do.


After the readings, we, as a family, discussed the outcomes and were all overcome by emotion as we recognised our underlying personal issues and for the first time ever confront them out in the open. Carla also guided us on how to break the bonds that still tied us to our previous lives. The readings gave us insight into our own and each other’s souls. Ever since the four of us have developed a deeper awareness of our personal and each other’s feelings. Above all, we have learned to have tolerance and empathy for each other and for ourselves -particularly in those difficult areas that have been identified. This insight into the unknown provided a realization of possible dimensions beyond this physical experience that we call reality or life.

— Celia Claase, Teacher, Artist and Author, Hong Kong

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