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Carla Pahl

The question I am most often asked is 'When did you realise you could do this?' and my answer is always the same!


“When I began to understand that not everyone was experiencing what I was experiencing.”


I was born and raised in Australia and from my earliest memory, I have been a psychic empath and healer. I have always read people and situations energetically. Music, paintings and scents could reduce me to tears or fill me with an emotion that was quite difficult to understand in my early life. Similarly, I was not fully conscious of the energetic healing I was capable of. I remember being chilled and perplexed and even very frightened at some of the experiences I encountered. 


After finishing school, I became a paediatric nurse and midwife. In 1997 I moved to Hong Kong with my husband and have called this vibrant city home ever since. The economic climate of Hong Kong was an opportunity for my business intuition to manifest, allowing me to effortlessly launch and operate several successful businesses. 


It was during this time I began to understand that much of what I was witnessing in the metaphysical world, the gurus and masters emerging with a great following, appeared to me themselves to be spiritually by-passing. In the new age of oracle rhetoric, the desire to teach  "belief "to willing listeners was in fact a show of judgement and spiritual arrogance further disempowering their followers' right to authenticity.  


This frustrated me for many years, I became increasingly agitated with people "following" guidance yet all the time being further disengaged from self soul purpose. I kept asking myself the same question. How was I to be the conduit intended for my own soul purpose?

I have always been able to see and interpret past lives with ease.  I see the discordant energy that a soul has and how that discordant energy takes the human experience further away from our own source, truth, intuition and understanding.  

As I had successfully and accurately identified past life blocks, discordant energy and emotional and mental barrier causing restrictions in my clients' daily lives, health, relationships and business in 2014 I chose to consolidate my past life understanding and energy healing to become an Advanced Practitioner in Soul Realignment™ this modality framework has allowed a wonderful scaffolding framework for my client readings.

I also work in modalities of  Manifesting Blueprint of Soul Origin, Money Mastery, Predictive Intuition (possibility/probability alignment) and Future Akashic predictable manifesting. 

As I have successfully owned, operated and continue to be CEO of three other companies, I effortless support successful business owners with Soul Alignment for Business and Financial Abundance, Money Intuition and finical flow for Business and Vital Force Energy Mastery.

I see my service as one of conduit.  I do not wish to have clients "do" my program or "buy into" my course, quite frankly this is exactly what frustrates me and completely bores me!  When you book a session with me you will get an accurate Akashic understanding, you will open locked doors that lead to growth and opportunity and clarity.  It is not for me to tell you what to do, it is my role to give you the information as a conduit, I will then support YOU to make the actionable and powerful change, aligned to your authentic self.

I do not advertise my service widely, I see hundreds of clients every year and mostly they use my service because they have been referred by a friend, colleague and sometimes another energy worker.  I see many energy workers in my practice that have been so focussed on other people's courses and modalities that they have often lost their authentic way.  Likewise, I have exceptionally abundant clients that use my service for their business transactions and support and being in business myself this is a wonderful Energy Mastery.

I love working with children and teen souls.  These readings are wonderful for any parent to have and gain an understanding of what your child's soul has incarnated.  Having this understanding can support the way we support our children and knowing some important aspects of your child's soul can support your navigation of parenting the soul entrusted to you.

I am amazingly blessed to work with souls and energy, and every reading I do is a privilege.  I have had amazing clients over the time I have done this work and being a conduit to this sacred wisdom - your personal Akash which I interpret with complete ease allows great joy and vitality in clarity of understanding for all my clients.


To your infinite, health, joy & abundance



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